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A Mobile Friendly WooCommerce Website for a Handcrafted Liquor Brand

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    Let’s start with your credentials
    (this section is required)

    What kind of website are you interested in?

    Do you also require an SEO analysis?

    Do you need any additional features or functionalities?
    (this section is optional, you can skip it and describe your needs in the old-fashioned way — via text area)

    How many pages should your website have?
    (Excluding home page and privacy policy/cookie policy pages)

    How many categories should your portfolio have?
    (each category can consist of multiple galleries)

    How many additional languages do you need?

    How many additional currencies do you need?

    How many products do you want me to add to your website?

    Do you want users to be able to comment/rate your posts?

    Do you also need a multi-step form?

    How many steps your form should have?

    Do you need your form to use conditional logic?

    The good old-fashioned text area 🙂
    (this field is required)

    Estimated price

    € 2.000

    The Brief

    One of the marketing agencies I collaborate with connected me with a client who built a thriving business selling handcrafted liquors on social media. His goal was to make the next step in the development of his company and transfer sales from social media to his own eCommerce website. With his reference website developed in WordPress, leveraging WooCommerce for his online shop was a natural choice.

    The Case Study (mobile friendly WooCommerce website)

    With minimal content provided — logo, a few background images, and several product renders from his social media assets — I made a preview website mirroring the brand’s aesthetics. The client’s vision was clear: a mobile friendly WooCommerce website with a straightforward grid layout for showcasing his handcrafted liquors. That was exactly what I presented him in the preview website.

    This approach parallels with my philosophy on eCommerce design: simplicity favours clarity and speed, crucial for seamless user experiences and better SEO. Additionally, I integrated an age restriction plugin, ensuring compliance with sensitive content regulations. The Age Gate plugin effectively blurs the site and prompts visitors to confirm their age before accessing.

    As always, I provided the client with an extensive video tutorial covering everything from adding new products and editing descriptions to managing orders and basic theme customization. Personally, it’s truly gratifying to witness my clients’ growth and the continuous evolution of their websites 🙂

    Features ONSpirit liked most in their mobile friendly WooCommerce website:

    Clean and simple design corresponding to the brand’s aesthetics
    Fast loading speed enhancing SEO
    Age restriction functionality using Age Gate WordPress plugin
    4.5/5 (2 Reviews)