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elegant website

An elegant website should have a prestigious vibe. I always recommend going for a sleek and clean design and focusing on the tiniest details to boost its prestige.

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A WordPress Multilingual Mobile Friendly Business Website for an Artist

Estimated price: € 2000
This was one of the most exciting websites I had pleasure to design and develop — a showcase of one of a kind chess set made of pieces of wall of the ruined medieval castle. As far as I know, the unique chess set is still available for purchase, if you’re interested 😉

A WordPress Multilingual Mobile Friendly Business Website for an Artist Read more »

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A Responsive Landing Page for Mercedes-Benz Car Dealer

Estimated price: € 500
A marketing agency reached out to me for a quote on developing a responsive landing page for one of their VIP clients. They required the landing page to serve as the central piece of their Facebook Ads campaign. The plan was to have it fully integrated with the campaign, featuring a user-friendly contact form for visitors to sign up for a test drive.

A Responsive Landing Page for Mercedes-Benz Car Dealer Read more »

responsive landing page obraz niedoskonaly by Robert Jałocha

A Responsive Simple Landing Page for a Book Author

Estimated price: € 400
A simple, yet elegant, landing page for an upcoming book titled ‘Obraz Niedoskonały’ (Imperfect Image). Visually, it corresponds to the book cover, with dark hues starting with a purple gradient which transitions to a blood-red colour. I developed it to be exceptionally fast when it comes to loading speed and as a result it gets double green score in PageSpeed Insights on both mobile devices and desktops.

A Responsive Simple Landing Page for a Book Author Read more »

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A Responsive WooCommerce Website for a Cat Scratcher Manufacturer

Estimated price: € 1.500
The client wanted to move away from one of the e‑commerce platforms and start her online sale independently. She also lists her products on various other online services, therefore she wanted to integrate her new WooCommerce shop with BaseLinker, to manage all orders from one place.

A Responsive WooCommerce Website for a Cat Scratcher Manufacturer Read more »

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A Responsive Multilingual Business Website for a Law Firm.

Estimated price: € 1.500
The brief I received was clear: the website should be elegant to professionally represent their firm online. Additionally, the site should feature a blog section, enabling the publication of legal tips and updates on legislative changes, ensuring informative content for their readers and clients.

A Responsive Multilingual Business Website for a Law Firm. Read more »